February 8, 2025

Lino Dial

Tech Must Haves

A Beginner’s Guide To Real Time Data Processing


In this guide, we’ll explore the basics of real time data processing and what it means for your business. We’ll also dive into different ways you can use real time data processing to improve your company’s analytics and decision-making processes.

A Beginner’s Guide To Real Time Data Processing

Real Time Processing Defined

Real time data processing is a subset of big data, which itself is the process of analyzing and processing large amounts of data in a short period of time. Real time analytics is the practice of extracting insights from real-time streaming data. In this sense, real-time business intelligence refers to using these insights to make decisions quickly — or at least faster than you could before using them!

The Benefits of Real Time Data Processing

Real time data processing can help you make better decisions

Real time data processing can help you reduce costs

Real time data processing can help you increase revenue

Real time data processing can help you improve customer satisfaction

Data Analytics vs Real Time Processing

Real time processing is a subset of data analytics. Data analytics can be used to process data in real time, but it’s not always necessary or even desirable. If you want to know what the weather will be tomorrow, then you’ll probably do better by looking at historical data than waiting for today’s forecast at 5pm (which may be wrong anyway).

Real time processing is generally faster than traditional batch processing because it doesn’t wait until all your data has been collected before starting work on it — instead, it starts working as soon as new information comes in.

How to Design a Real Time Data Pipeline

The most important thing to remember when designing a real time data pipeline is that speed is the most important factor. You don’t want to sacrifice accuracy or quality for speed, but it’s better to have a less accurate result in real time than no result at all.

  • Use a distributed system: When it comes down to it, there are two main types of distributed systems: centralized and decentralized. Centralized systems use one computer (or server) as the center point for all data processing activities; decentralized ones spread out those responsibilities across multiple machines so that each one only handles part of the workload instead of everything at once. Decentralized setups tend to be faster because they don’t need as much communication between nodes–but if something happens with one node then everything stops until someone fixes it (which could take hours). On top of this issue there are also safety concerns about storing sensitive information on many different devices instead of just one secure location; however these problems can be mitigated by encrypting all transmissions between servers so nothing gets leaked accidentally during transmission time periods where no one else has access yet either way still feels safer overall?

Modern Technology Platforms for Real Time Analytics and Processing

There are many options for real-time processing, but the big three are Hadoop, Spark and Kafka. Here’s how they stack up:

  • Hadoop is an open-source framework that supports batch processing of large datasets across clusters of nodes. It was originally developed by Yahoo! to handle its huge web indexing and search requirements. In addition to providing parallel processing capabilities on a single machine or cluster, Hadoop can also be used for distributed computing across multiple machines or nodes–a process known as MapReduce (for which there are several implementations). Although it works well with large volumes of structured data (such as logs), Hadoop struggles with unstructured content because there isn’t any way to programmatically control whether each piece of information will appear in any given batch job; this makes it difficult (though not impossible) to query across multiple types at once using SQL queries or other traditional database techniques like JOINs

Real time data processing is an important part of many Big Data applications.

Real time data processing is an important part of many Big Data applications. It allows you to process data as it comes in, instead of waiting until all the data has been collected and then analyzing it.

Real time data processing differs from traditional data processing because it uses a different set of tools, such as Apache Storm and Apache Kafka.

The importance of real-time analytics has grown over the past decade as more people have started using mobile devices that generate large amounts of sensor data (such as location tracking) or social media platforms like Twitter that contain billions of tweets per day.


Real time data processing is an important part of many Big Data applications. This guide has provided you with a basic understanding of what real time processing is, why it’s beneficial, and how it works. We also discussed some common platforms used by businesses today for implementing real time analytics solutions within their organizations.